COVID-19 Network Load and Practices Update

Here we are a few weeks into the COVID-19 social distancing and isolation order and we have never had a higher load on our network, weekday or weekend, night or day.

We are working every day to get students and people working from home online, and to upgrade our network to add capacity for the increased load.

We have added 2Gbps of capacity to our connection to the outside world. We have bumped up our fiber connections to towers (where we have them) thanks to help from REDI Net. We are actively working on plans for major upgrades on two towers, we are applying for a special temporary authorization from the FCC to use some cleaner wireless channels during the crisis, and we are working with property owners to put up 2-3 new towers covering the Alcalde, Chamita, and Espanola areas as quickly as possible.

We are now doing outdoor only installs, with the option of a plastic ammo box with a router in it outside, a temporary cable run through a window, or drilling in from the outside and feeding a cable through. These are discussed with customers on a per-location basis depending on what options seem to be available.

We are committed, as an essential service provider, to keep you connected while keeping everyone safe. Thank you for your business and the many kind words we have received during this time.